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Barefoot in public restrooms

by sharleen wl

a while back there was a post on reddit by a guy who said he was getting more and more comfortable going barefoot in public. he had gone barefoot to grocery stores multiple times and also to gas stations. but one day he saw another person walking barefoot into a gas station restroom and he thought it was gross and said he couldn't bring himself to do that. so he was asking whether he was right thinking that way.

some say there's alot of "ick factor" in going barefoot in public restrooms. so its more like psychological as there's nothing really harmful on whatever you might step on on the floor as long as your sole skin is intact. others say it is indeed gross but you can wash your feet once you get home or you can carry some wet wipes.

i had to chime in so this is what i basically said. "its more of a personal choice. like some people (like myself) love walking on mud but others not so much. some love squishing bugs with their bare soles while others cringe at the thought. who is to judge who's right or wrong?" btw squishing bugs is not my thing. i mean if i accidentally step on one while walking barefoot then so be it. nothing i can do about it. but i wouldn't like purposely step on any bug especially big ones like cockroaches or beetles. did i ever tell you that i stepped on a bee once? that was fucking painful!

anyway i continued saying that i personally dislike public restrooms and try to avoid using them barefoot or not unless i really have to. but i have used them while barefoot. the first time was on a plane when i was a kid and was just starting to be a barefooter. my family and i were flying over the pacific to visit relatives back in asia. on long flights its not uncommon for passengers to take off their shoes and walk around the plane barefoot. so i saw other kids as well as a few adults went to the restrooms barefoot. i was like "wow that's cool!" so i decided to do it myself. when i got in i saw the floor was wet from who knows what lol (as you know on planes boys and girls use the same restrooms). i hesitated but it was too late as i was already inside and there was no way to avoid stepping on the wet stuff. i was a little grossed out but quickly got over it. when i got back to my seat my mom asked if the bathroom was clean. i lied and told her yes cuz otherwise she would scold me and tell me to put on my sandals next time :) i had a similar experience on another long flight as you can read in my post about traveling barefoot.

another instance was when i was shopping at the mall with friends. barefoot of course. we just had lunch at the food court when suddenly i had an upset tummy probably from the really spicy food i ate. i felt the strong urge and really needed to go to the restroom. since it was in the mall the restroom was pretty dirty. again the floor was wet but i had no choice and i couldn't like walk around the wet areas as it was like scattered all over. i had massive diarrhea (sorry lol) but was relived afterwards.

when i got back out all my friends were like "you went into the restroom barefoot? eeww that's fucking gross!" i just giggled and told them it was ok i'd wash my feet when i got home. so did i? nope! cuz by the time i got home i had walked around barefoot like all over the place so whatever my soles picked up in the restroom would have been wiped off. at least most of it. so ya that's how we barefooters live. well at least the gross ones like me lol and i'm not ashamed to admit it.

well this is a relatively short post especially compared to the previous one but i haven't posted in a while and i just wanted to let you know that i'm still around.

from paradise hawaii this is sharleen the barefoot girl reminding you that life is magical. yes especially when you go into public restrooms barefoot lol. i think you need to try it at least once. just for the experience if nothing else. so until next time...

enjoy going barefoot and have a magical day!


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