Magical Barefoot Halloween

by sharleen wl halloween and going barefoot - 2 of my favorite things. the things that make this life magical. i'm in my 20s now and i'm the same free-spirited soul i've been as a kid. only now i'm a bit more independent and i ain't about to let my love for the spooky season or my barefoot lifestyle fade away. in fact these passions have only grown with me. every october my excitement for halloween builds up like clockwork and i start planning my costume well in advance. this year i had the privilege of spending my favorite holiday in a rural area in washington state (like an hour from seattle) visiting emily, a good friend from college. the air is cool and crisp there in october which is really fitting unlike back home where it stays warm. the feeling of stepping barefoot onto the cold autumn ground was heavenly. although hawaii is paradise in many ways, this is something i miss out on. i had decided to dress as a forest fairy, a sort of mystical wanderer who draws...